
Geom. Sante Episcopo
He has worked for years in the industrial and civil building sector, has managed various building sites and hospital systems and shares with the components of Techno Shield S.n.c. a deep knowledge of the computer medium, from design to computing, from surfing the Internet to the use of the most popular application packages. He boasts the management of installations of radiology departments with computerized axial tomographs, nuclear magnetic resonance tomographs, linear accelerators, angiographs, remote controls and radiological equipment of all types and brands. He is a director of Techno Shield S.r.l. and a founding partner of the company.

Ing. Franco Vito Savino
Graduated from the Polytechnic of Turin, he worked for years in the field of IT and in that of automatic calculation applied to the technical-scientific sector. It operates in the field of civil and industrial metal structures and in that of the quality of the ISO 9000 and UNI EN 14000 series standards, thanks to the skills and experience gained. It has to its credit dozens of projects for static and almost static magnetic screens for industrial and sanitary applications (MRI). In addition to being part of the Pro Staff Associated Engineering Studio, he is a founding partner of Techno Shield S.r.l. and its technical director.

Ennio Gentile
Diploma of Perito Industriale Elettrotecnico obtained in Foggia in the year 1973. State examination with registration in the Professional College of Bari in the year 1996. Senior certification of Project Manager International in Milan in the year 2006. More than 40 years of work in Siemens spa, starting as a Medical equipment service technician upon hiring in Milan in 1974, sector manager installation Diagnostic Imaging Systems in Rome branch in 1980, Bari Branch manager for Technical Assistance to customers for Puglia and Basilicata with technical administrative staff of about 15 people since 1990, acquisition and management of maintenance contracts with private and public customers in the Medical sector , technical support to the commercial side for the sale of large MRI, CT, Angiographic and Radiological diagnostic systems, Complete management of orders as Project Manager in Puglia, Basilicata, Molise, Abbruzzo and lower Lazio area from 2003 until the end of the activity in 2014 with early and agreed exit from the Company.
Since 2015 External collaborator of Techno Shield for overall quality improvement and acquisition of new clients and strengthening and improving collaborations with already acquired Companies. Since 2016 Equal partner with the two previous partners of Techno Shield.

Francesco Adessi
He graduated C/O ITIS Andria with address in telecommunications, worked from 1988 as CAD designer of departments of Radiology, TAC, RM Salt and diagnostic equipment of all kinds and brand. In the same period, possessing NOS requirements, he developed orders for telecommunications equipment and data for military bodies such as aeronautics and army. Given the broad-spectrum technical skills, it has supported the purchasing department in the choice of strategic materials in order to optimize the production processes. From 2009, he also worked on logistics related to shipbuilding activities in Europe, Africa and the USA. Today is a ring of reality Technoshield in harmony with the ISO 9000 and UNI EN 14000 owned by the company.