Techno Shield provides high performance environmental Faraday cages, magnetic shielding, structural metal reinforcements for MR, design and fabrication of lead ANTIX shielding, preliminary technical consultations, certified maintenance and verification with all related services since 1998.
The experience gained in the installation of Low and High Field Magnetic Resonance Tomography Shielding Cabins has reached the total number of more than 250 units, our installation history includes MRI cabins for permanent magnets, or superconductors from 0.2 to 3 Tesla, new or reconditioned made by major brands: Siemens, Philips, General Electric, Canon, Hitachi, Paramed, Esaote, Neusoft and Mindray.
The positive experience, matured in many years on the market, allows the realization of shielding from radiofrequencies and magnetic environmental, heavy or light, with special materials in combination with structural supports designed with metallic beams Magnetic and not, designed and built modularly in its own factory for the subsequent rapid installation by our qualified personnel.
Our corporate philosophy underlines the overall quality of both the product and the staff and the services provided to the customer with competitive prices. Team of technicians-installers of experience install these cabins carefully, in order to meet the shielding specifications in force both in Italy and abroad.
Commercial relations for the installation abroad of our cabins are in advanced phase both for the simpler systems and for the more complex plants. All are installed by our experienced staff.
Our company offers a complete line of modular shielding products, including shielding panels with transparent visual panoramas, blind or transparent doors, penetration filters for power and signal lines, waveguides, honeycomb filters for ventilation and quench tubes, design and installation in compliance with the latest industry regulations.
The Techno Shield modular shielding products are based on drawings tested in their test rooms and used for the construction of many screening cabins throughout Italy for medical/industrial/Military customers from 1998. His technical staff has been operating in this sector since 1993.
The attenuation of the shielding cabins is measured by tests conducted by both Techno Shield and third party bodies, with test methods inspired by MIL-STD 285, NSA 65-6, IEEE 299 standards. The technical staff of the company carries out from 1993 the calculations of sizing of the magnetic shields for systems of every type MRI with the well-known software with the finite elements ' Tosca ' of the Vector Fields-Cobham of Oxford and its powerful 3d post-processors.
Techno Shield customizes and builds each screening booth using either standard modular components or adapted to the site's architectural design with high-performance attenuation shields and adapts to the specific technical and aesthetic requirements requests and studied in collaboration with each customer.
The shielding panels are bolted together with the interposition of a special metal gasket, to obtain the best electrical and magnetic continuity between the panels, the same shielding is also available in aluminium for applications and industrial devices, while maintaining high performance in terms of attenuation even at higher frequencies.
The main types of screening booths EMI designed, tested and produced inside by Techno Shield, at the moment are: alumed, Steelmod, the unimed, the Silmod. Among these stands the spectacular unimed "theatre". The higher performances in terms of electromagnetic wave attenuation are made by Steelmod systems, with steel panels bolted together (from 10 KHz to 10 GHz according to NSA 94/106). Each panel is composed of galvanized steel sheets of various thicknesses, with anticorrosion treatments, to maintain the electrical continuity and the RF attenuation over time. With these systems, we offer a standard 4 year warranty on Techno Shield cabins, (2 years on doors and filters).
The Company supplies and installs high-performance shielding for the MRI (Magnetic Resonance for Imaging) market with all the latest humanization systems for the exam room: large ceiling and/or wall decals, ambient lighting, or chromotherapy with RGB LEDs and image projections, or movies inside the exam room. All this is done with high-quality materials, individually tested in MRI environments.
Our executive designs include mechanical, thermal aero-hydraulic systems, fire protection systems, environmental monitoring, electrical systems, interior cabin finishes, and everything required by the latest regulations.
We have installed medical screening booths everywhere in Italy and now we make the first installations also abroad. On our web site, or on our website. Facebook page you can have a complete view with a list of many of these projects, with the most significant photos for such systems RM.
Our company can supply you new RF shielding, or reconditioned for every need, from small rooms for Mr Articular, to big special resonances MR-PET type and large departments of diagnostic multiplex MR. Typical projects concern not only the production and supply of booths and shielding materials but also the complete management of the project on behalf of the client and the coordination with other companies and subcontractors.
Currently Techno Shield treats with different manufacturers, or distributors of magnetic resonance equipment The installation also outside the national territory of its products. Its teams are able to disassemble or install RF and magnetic shields all over the world, from small cabins to large turnkey projects.
Techno Shield also offers test services with its own certified/calibrated instrumentation, to verify the shielding performance of its new cabins, or to verify/certify (and possibly restore) existing shielding systems, according The standard NSA 65-6, MIL STD 285, IEEE 299 and following the safety requirements issued by the INAIL (in Italy).
Among the typical accessories of the RM exam rooms, Techno Shield installs modern environmental gas monitoring systems of the best brands. It also carries out calibration services according to the requirements of the bodies that deal with the safety of operators and patients in the RM rooms of clinics around the world.